PEARL PATH – Al Muharraq


The Pearling Path is a UNESCO heritage site in Muharraq that includes 3.5 km-long corridor of historic landmarks, new infrastructure, as well as a number of contemporary and restored buildings, among them Dar Al Jinaa (OFFICE 126). Unravelling within the maze-like old town, the project identifies a number of vacant lots as potential public squares of which seventeen have been built on to date. The squares are planted with a dense grid of trees that rise through circular openings in the paving, made of a special concrete incorporating iridescent white nacre. These oasis-like environments are additionally cooled by a piping system, creating protected microclimates with benches and drinking wells. The series of squares are connected as in a breadcrumb trail, with visitors being directed from one site to the next by lampposts of polished, pearlescent concrete that extend beyond the squares, lighting the way. Ending at the shore, the lampposts lead to a pedestrian overpass that connects the oyster beds on the coastline with the old town going over the highway. The spanning steel structure is supported by simple concrete piers that also enclose elevators. Encased staircases extend diagonally from the linear structure. The squares, the footbridge, the lampposts, as well as the buildings along the route form an intertwined entity that demonstrate the interdependency of large scale and small scale interventions that together contribute to a unique ambiance of the city. 


2012 – 2021


Al Muharraq, BH


Public, Urban, Infrastructure,




Bahrain Ministry of Culture


Bureau Bas Smets, Gulf House Engineering, Transsolar, Ismail Khonji Associates

Design team

Kersten Geers, David Van Severen, Federico Perugini, Anna Andrich, Nenad Đurić, Alexandra Paritzky, Denis Glauden, Paul Christian


Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2019


Bas Princen