WALL – Belgium

When a theater company requested scenery for an outside play called “The Wall” quickly it became clear that both the specificity of the play and the choice of site was forcing some more interesting decisions. Since the play happens around the decor, the wall had to be circular; since the actors were not supposed to enter the walled space, it had to be closed. The main focus was to design an object/intervention that did not look like a cylinder, but like a proper wall. By cutting the top in an oblique way one gets a glimpse of that what one cannot enter. The intervention had to be cheap and was to be constructed by the theater company itself, but had to be durable, since most of the time, in between plays, the wall was simply there without protection. These goals were achieved by using very light, undulating galvanized steel plates, used in two layers in different directions to create a stiff whole. Ultimately, by painting the interior steel plates bright yellow, the interior of the wall, inaccessible as it is, became from afar its protagonist: as a gigantic egg yolk or a sun perhaps.


2009 – 2010


Culture, Public




314 m2


LOD muziektheater


UTIL Struktuurstudies

Design team

Kersten Geers, David Van Severen, Bert Rogiers, Adeline De Vrij, Stanislas Peeters