This book chronicles the third academic year of the studio led by Kersten Geers, Jelena Pancevac, Guido Tesio and Fabrizio Ballabio at the Academy of Architecture USI in Mendrisio. Stemming from the idea of ‘large form’ and the built environment as a testament to the futility of the virtual one, this body of work investigates how the model of grand ensembles can perform in urban fringes (in Milan), and what to do with the existing obsolete office space in the urban centre (in Brussels). Our unlikely guide to the contemporary idea of sustainable living and working in the city was the work of Aldo and Hannie van Eyck, which would grow into a separate book itself (Excess of Architecture). Brussels also served as a testbed for establishing a relation between the production of culture and the instrumental role of architecture within that process.


Everything XI-XV

Academy of Architecture USI, Mendrisio (Fall Semester 2021 / Spring Semester 2022)


Kersten Geers, Jelena Pancevac, Fabrizio Ballabio, Guido Tesio


Fall Semester 2021 – Kyra Ahier, Martina Avanzi, Jetmira Belegu, Caterina Bordoli, Daniele Boschesi, Mark Clubine, Leonor Costa Pinto, Teixeira Dias, Francesca Costi, Léo Crausaz, Cecilia Da Pozzo, Valentin Hostettler, Loic Kasteler, Nícolas Lener, Francesca Malventi, Sara Mantovani, Miquel Martín Escofet, Giulia Mauri, Francesca Parmiggiani, Martina Penati, Luka Rohde, Valentina Roncoroni, Jim Rosset, Nicolas Sottili, Wei Sun, Alessandro Visone, Beatrice Zago

Spring Semester 2022 – Nemo Akkermann, Giovanni Argentato, Leopoldo Battaglini, Simon Bergström, Joel Elias Brynielsson, Anna Bukowska, Carlotta Cestari, Irene D'Alessandro, Matilde Dal Maso, Alessandra Farina, Aian Gimenez Azurmendi, Antonio Ander Gual de Torrella Roca, Aaryaman Maithel, Ricardo Nociti, Dongyong Oh, Anna Pasquetto, Andrea Rizzi, Sofia Scarpis, Maria Sidorenko, Enrico Sironi, Alexandre Tornay, Giovanni Ricardo Viganò, Dafina Zarigi, Giorgia Zicaro

Diploma 2022 – Kyra Ahier, Charles André, Jacopo Anzolin, Francesca Bellù, Davide Capriotti, Alessandro Cassia, Nicholas Ghielmini, Egil Kahlbom, Ginevra Martinelli, Edoardo Massa, Wei Sun, David Welding


Kersten Geers, Jelena Pancevac

Graphic design

Joris Kritis with Emil Kowalczyk


Everything Without Content


